10  Shipping, Trucks, and More!

10.1 How do I ship something small?

There are contracts with both UPS and FedEx that provide us with fast shipping at great prices. Shipping labels are provided in the supply room or labels can be set up online. Ask someone in Admin for the log in info.

For shipments within the lower 48 use UPS For shipments to Alaska use FedEx. However, FedEx only ships to Anchorage and then your package will travel by USPS. If your shipment is time sensitive and needs to go to somewhere in Alaska that Alaska Airlines flies, consider GoldStreaking with Alaska Air Cargo. Gold Streak requires a purchase card holder to drop off the package at Alaska Air Cargo. Your package will travel on exisiting Alaska Airline flights and Gold Streak prioritizes your package.

Provide a copy of the shipping receipt to the MML Admin Budget Analyst.

10.2 How do I ship something huge?

The WRC has a shipping department in Building 8 but there is currently no one in the roll for setting up shipments by truck or barge. In the meantime, AFSC has taken on this task and currently Elaina Jorgenson is tasked with helping to set up the GBL.

  1. If you know you will need to ship items please give her at least a good 30+ days, when sending in the NF42-15 shipping request.
  2. If you know where you are shipping to and know the vendor you want to use, reach out to the vendor and obtain a quote. If possible. That can accompany the NF42-15
  3. Complete the NF42-15 and make sure you list any trackable property leaving campus (with a property sticker “CD0000#######”) and share with AJ.
  4. AJ will initial or sign next to the CD numbers listed on the NF42-15 to confirm you have coordinated with her.
  5. Make sure the correct budget code is listed and that the MML Budget Analyst has signed it before the NF42-15 is submitted to Elaina.
  6. Elaina will put together the GBL shipping request.

IF you need to find a vendor, confirm that they are registered and active in SAM. You can do this by logging into the SAM website and click on search and type in the vendor’s name.

10.3 Where are the keys to the truck?

There is a researvation and signout sheet for the MML vehicles in the supply room. The keys are in the drawers below the reservation and signout sheet. There are gas cards attached to the vehicle key. Please fill the tank before it drops to 1/4 tank. All gas receipts go to the MML Budget Analyst.

Additional information can be found on the AFSC Intranet Vehicles page.