8  Travel

The latest information on travel policies and COVID-19 can be found on the AFSC intranet.

MML’s primary Travel Arranger is Tammy Ahlers, with AJ Renney as backup. For all travel-related communications, please be sure to use the MML Travel group email address.

Note: These instructions apply primarily to Federal employees. Affiliate staff should contact their employer for specific travel instructions.

8.1 First steps

  • Complete travel training in CLC
  • Set up account in E2
  • Determine in you need a Travel Authorization (TA)
  • Determine if you need a government travel card

8.2 Travel Request Deadlines

As of March 6, 2023, please submit travel requests to Tammy following these deadlines:

  • Domestic travel: at least 2 weeks prior to travel
  • Foreign travel: at least 4 weeks prior to travel (assuming you do not need to renew your passport or have a visa)
  • Invitational travel:
  • New travelers: add 6 weeks to the above deadlines
  • Previous traveler who did not travel last year: add 4 weeks to the above deadlines
  • Previous traveler who traveled last year: same as the above deadlines

If you have any other complex issues (a name change, you need a visa for foreign travel, etc.), contact Tammy early to figure out your specific deadlines.

8.3 Domestic Travel

Note: If any portion of your trip takes place in international waters, you must also seek foreign travel approval.

In October 2022, AFSC launched the Travel Request App.

In addition to your travel request, you will need to complete the following, where applicable:

We have prepared this document (TBD link to a Google doc) to help you through the process.

8.4 Foreign Travel

  • Forms
  • Passports
  • Laptops

8.5 Conference and Group Travel

8.6 Invitational or Gift Travel

8.7 Last Steps Before You Go…

  • Ask your supervisor to send Tammy an email confirming the budget code for your premium pay.
  • If you are normally on an alternative work schedule, tell Tammy to switch you over to a straight 8s schedule for your time on travel.
  • Make sure you and/or your field party chief have:
  • Your travel authorization
  • Reservation details
  • Government ID
  • Government travel card (if applicable)
  • MML emergency contact instructions
  • Marine mammal permit
  • If you are traveling internationally:
  • Government passport
  • What else?

8.8 Travel Reimbursement

  • If you are normally on an alternative work schedule, tell Tammy when you return from the field so she can switch you back from a straight 8s schedule.
  • Receipts, reimbursement form…
  • Final travel comp time form…

8.9 FAQs

  • How do I know if I qualify for Hazard Pay Differential?
  • What do I do if I need to change my flight reservations?
  • What do I do if my flight is canceled?
  • What if I go over my requested amount of overtime and/or comp time? (These can all link to the same Google doc…)