Welcome to Tidy Movement Modeling with R


Over the years, we have produced a number of online resources intended to provide insights and examples for modeling animal movement with the crawl and pathroutr packages. Some of these documents and examples have aged well; others have not. R, the tidyverse, animal movement theory, and our experience evolve quickly. What we might have proposed as the best approach 5 years ago (or, sometimes even 5 months ago) may not be the case today.

This website is being developed to provide a more authoritative resource that we hope to maintain more reliably than previous attempts. The bio-logging and animal movement modeling community can also play a role by helping us improve the content. Identification of errors and suggested improvements are strongly encouraged. If you find an error or have ideas for improvement, please open an issue via the GitHub repository. We will also accept pull requests for any bug fixes or enhancements.

A Pragmatic Guide

The crawl package for R (and supporting friends e.g. pathroutr, momentuHMM) is designed and built with the idea that it should be accessible and useful to a research biologist with some intermediate R skills and an understanding of the basic statistical theory behind the analysis of animal movement. This website will focus on providing the user with suggested principles, workflows, and pragmatic approaches that, if followed, should make analysis with crawl more efficient and reliable.

Telemetry data are collected on a wide range of species and come in a number of formats and data structures. The code and examples provided here were developed from data the authors are most familiar with. You will very likely NOT be able to just copy and paste the code and apply to your data. We suggest you focus more on understanding what the code is doing and then write your own version of the code to meet your data and your research needs.

Content Outline

Information on this site is organized into the following sections:

  1. Welcome
    • introduction to the website (this page)
    • about the authors
    • package dependencies
  2. Telemetry Data is Messy
    • data sources
    • why tidy telemetry data
    • tidying messy data for easy modeling
  3. Data Exploration
    • deployment summary tables
    • mapping telemetry observations
    • exploring animal behavior
  4. Movement Modeling with crawl
    • introduction to key concepts
    • history of crawl and mov’t models in R
    • preparing model inputs
    • easier crawl-ing with crawlUtils
    • troubleshooting common errors
  5. Oh No! Paths Cross Land!
    • routing marine animal paths around land
    • introduction to the pathroutr package
    • sourcing a land/barrier polygon
    • pathroutr harbor seal example
    • cautions when using pathroutr

If you’ve never been here before, you are encouraged to work through the content on this site in order. Once you have an understanding of the concepts and workflows presented, we hope this site can serve as a reference you can revisit when you forget a step or get stuck in your process.

Analysis and Coding Principles

As with anything in science and R, there are a number of right ways to approach a problem. The workflows and principles outlined here aren’t the only way to develop animal movement models in R. However, this content has been developed after years of working with researchers and troubleshooting common issues. For most users, following this guide will prove a successful endeavor. More advanced users or those with specific needs should feel free to refer to this as a starting point but then expand to meet their need.

Source Data are Read Only

Source data should not be edited. In many cases, the financial and personal investment required to obtain these data is significant. In addition, the unique timing, location, and nature of the data cannot be replicated so every effort should be employed to preserve the integrity of source data as they were collected. All efforts should be made to also insure that source data are stored in plain text or well described open formats. This approach provides researchers confidence that data will be available and usable well into the future.

Script Everything

In all likelihood, the format of any source data will not be conducive to established analytical procedures. For example, crawl cannot accept a raw data file downloaded from ArgosWeb or the Wildlife Computers Data Portal. Some amount of data processing is required. Keeping with the principles of reproducibility, all data assembly and pipelines should be scripted. Here, we rely on the R programming language for our scripts, but Python or other similar languages will also meet this need.

Document Along the Way

Scripting the data assembly should be combined with an effort to properly document the process. Documentation is an important component of reproducibility and, if done as part of the scripting and development process, provides an easier workflow for publishing results and data to journals and repositories. The rmarkdown, bookdown, and quarto packages provide an excellent framework for combining your scripts with documentation. This entire website is written with quarto and knitr.

Embrace the Tidyverse

The tidyverse describes a set of R packages developed around core principles of tidy data. Tidy data principles are outlined in a 2014 paper published in the Journal of Statistical Software. The key tenants of tidy data are:

  1. Each variable forms a column.
  2. Each observation forms a row.
  3. Each type of observational unit forms a table.

Location data from telemetry deployments often follows this type of structure — each location estimate is a row and the columns all represent variable attributes associated with that location. Additionally, the location data are usually organized into a single table. Behavior data, however, often comes in a less structured format. Different behavior type data are sometimes mixed within a single table and column headings do not consistently describe the same variable (e.g. Bin1, Bin2, etc). There are valid reasons for tag vendors and data providers to transmit the source data in this way, but the structure is not conducive to analysis.

The tidyverse package is a wrapper for a number of separate packages that each contribute to the tidy’ing of data. The tidyr, dplyr, readr, and purrr packages are key components. In addition, the lubridate package (not included in the tidyverse package) is especially useful for consistent manipulation of date-time values. More information and documentation for the packages can be found at the tidyverse.org website.

Please note, however, that use of the tidyverse packages are not a requirement or indication of tidy data principles. So called, base R and other approaches in the R community can support tidy data and extensive use of tidyverse packages can also result in very un-tidy data.

Anticipate Errors & Trap Them

Use R’s error trapping functions (try() and tryCatch()) in areas of your code where you anticipate parsing errors or potential issues with convergence or fit. The purrr::safely() function also provides a great service.